12 hours every two year renewal cycle
Every two years from date of original licensure
3 Hour Audio Course | Approval #EC-204
Learn how water migrates, the typical sources of excess moisture and how to prevent it through planning, design, construction, and control of condensation.
3 Hour Video Course | Approval #EC-689
Drones are more accessible than ever and very beneficial to Contractors, but before you take flight, learn the rules and regulations that must be followed to operate commercial drones.
0.3 ICC Sitework CEUs – Approval #25731
3 Hour Audio Course | Approval #EC-690
Approach your project with confidence by learning to recognize the critical issues, ask the right questions, and identify existing design and structural concerns.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25454
3 Hour Audio Course | Approval #EC-691
Calculating a more accurate estimate and bid allows a contractor to get the most out of every job. Improve your bottom line as we cover all aspects of the bidding process.