Residential Building Codes | Oregon
3 Hour Video Course | Approval #SRA0013
Learn about the building codes that are in place to safeguard the health, safety, property and public welfare of the residents of Oregon.
Instructor: Roger Peck
It’s important to recognize the fact that without a standard to meet, many buildings would simply be too dangerous and unsafe to occupy, or, too costly to maintain. The building codes, and the building officials that enforce them, are there to safeguard the health, safety, property, and public welfare of the residents of Oregon.
The Builders License Training Institute has prepared this course for both the novice and the experienced professional. As with our other courses, this code course should be approached with both an open mind and a critical eye for detail. Even the experienced contractor will likely learn something new.
Conscientious builders will appreciate and recognize most of the following material from the code book. Ideally, this course will reinforce the positive practices currently being used that protect consumer’s homes and buildings.
The objectives of this course are:
- To reinforce the concept that building codes and the officials that enforce them are in place to safeguard the health, safety, property and public welfare of the residents of Oregon.
- To provide contractors with a broad overview of current Oregon Residential Code, giving them the tools to ensure building construction and remodeling is carried out according to the current enforceable code.
- To orient students to the range of “best practices” surrounding the building envelope. A contractor must have the ability, and ensure that both employees and subcontractors are skilled, trained, and supervised to perform the work offered to the Oregon public.
Learning objectives and assessments are designed to target a range of student understanding based on knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation. Interactive learning strategies include video presentations, narration and hyperlinks to supplemental resources. Students successfully completing this course will gain confidence in their ability to use and understand the current Oregon Residential Code.
This Course Covers:
- Scope and Administration
- Building Planning (continued)
- Foundations
- Floors
- Wall Construction
- Wall Covering
- Roof-Ceiling Construction
- Roof Assemblies
- Chimneys and Fireplaces