Building Green | Michigan
7 Hour Video Course
Learn methods and economic benefits of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment and the importance of using these techniques.
Add To Cart $69.00
Instructor: Mike Wood
This seven-hour course will bring attention to methods of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment while providing a great economic benefit to the homeowner. Students will learn the importance of incorporating energy-efficiency into their building projects.
This Course Covers:
- Heat Transfer
- Energy Codes
- Construction Waste Management
- Selling Green Building
- History of Energy Efficiency
- Electricity, Natural gas, propane, geothermal, wind, solar, biomass, heating oil
- Weatherization Assistance Program
- Foundations
- Advanced Framing Techniques (thermal bridging, insulated headers and studs, SIP's)
- Wall and Roof Sheathing
- Air and Vapor Barriers, leakeage, house wrap, Zip system
- Doors, Windows, and Skylights
- Insulation types and R-value
- The Building Envelope and Diagnostic testing
- Problem Areas and penetrations
- Heating and Cooling Systems and types
- Lighting and Appliances
- Passive Houses and their standards and Zero houses
- Space Heating and Cooling and Thermal comfort
- Regenerative vs Sustainable
- Capturing Rainwater
- Thermal Efficient Construction
- Green Building Certifications, Energy Star ratings, HES ratings, HERS Index, Zero Energy, LEED and PHIUS+
- Case Studies