Residential Code Review | Michigan
8 Hour Video Course
The 2015 Michigan Residential Code book establishes minimum requirements for one and two family dwellings. This course is a review of the codes required for residential construction.
Add To Cart $75.00
Instructor: Larry Rospierski
This eight-hour course is a review of the codes required for residential construction. This course focuses on the 2015 Michigan Residential Code book and the latest changes. The 2015 MRC is a comprehensive stand-alone residential code that establishes minimum requirements for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses, with the purpose of safeguarding the health and safety of the public.
This Course Covers:
- Administration
- Definitions
- Building Planning and Construction
- Foundations
- Floors
- Wall Construction
- Wall Covering
- Roof Construction
- Ceiling Construction
- Roof Assemblies
- Chimneys and Fireplaces
- Energy Efficiency
- Non-Structural
- Appendices