3-Hour Continuing Competency Course | Michigan
3 Required Hour Video Course
This course fulfills the mandatory requirements for builders and M&A contractors and includes 1 hour each of Code, Law, and Safety and is based on the 2015 Michigan residential Code book.
Instructors: Scott Corbat and Josh Francis
This three-hour course is a review of the most recent code, law and safety changes in the Michigan construction industry. The first hour focuses on the 2015 Michigan Residential Code book and the latest changes. Next, the fundamental principles of contract law and the elements of a construction contract are explained. Finally, the last hour reviews OSHA regulations and the safety codes surrounding silica safety. This course satisfies the State of Michigan renewal requirement for residential builders and maintenance and alteration contractors.
This Course Covers:
- 2015 Michigan Code Book Basics
- MI Code Changes
- Skilled Trades Regulation Act
- Residential Contract Elements
- Optional Elements
- Damages Claims
- Michigan Labor Laws
- Employee Misclassification
- Introduction to Silica
- PEL Limits
- Employer Responsibilities
- Respiratory Protection
- Exposure Control Methods