Military Scholarships
We appreciate the sacrifice and bravery of our military personnel. For that reason, military service people are eligible for a full prelicense or exam prep scholarship. Simply fill out the application form and return it to our Student Services Coordinator for consideration. Note: you must provide your DD214 to apply.

Student Scholarships
Joining the construction trades is a great way for young people to start a successful career without taking the risk of loans. This scholarship is for high school and college students looking to join construction trades. A scholarship will cover the cost of exam prep or prelicense courses. Simply fill out the application form and return it to our Student Services Coordinator for consideration.
Michigan Works
You may use your Michigan Works! approved Individual Training Account (ITA) to help pay for classes.
To see if you qualify for this aid, contact your local Michigan Works! and schedule an orientation. Michigan Works! will then assign you a caseworker to determine your qualification status.
If you qualify for an ITA, send us your caseworker’s name and phone number. We will contact them for you to assist in getting your funding.